

GE15, Best election scenario ever for Malaysia.

We have finally reached nomination day yesterday and the result is surprising.

I do not have the statistic on this and based on the news, it seems like all constituencies are with multiple candidates. Many who vote based on party line are dumbfounded when some place with up-to 10 candidates. 

Sungai Buloh for instance has my favorite candidate Khairy Jamaluddin (Yes, I am his supporter, even before he was the acting Minister of Health) has to fight off 6 other candidates to get re-elected.

The narrator of the video for instance, claimed Armageddon for Malaysia. The expected outcome will have not a single party or coalition strong enough to lead the country, Malaysia is DOOMED!!!!!!

Me on the other hand consider this to be the best thing happening to Malaysia. After 65 years of independence, Malaysia is driven to the ground by generations of corrupt politicians.

These politicians divide themselves by race lines, claiming to be defending their race against others, yet collude with each other internally to devour the wealth of the country. 

They make promises that they cannot keep knowing that they can always blame it on race and when come the next election, each will point fingers at others for being worse than them.

Racism is driving the disharmony of the people of Malaysia and as Malaysian we need to recognize the harm it is causing.

Our education system is failing, it is no longer up-to date and no longer support the country's progress, our healthcare system is on deterioration and cannot support the needs of growing number of citizens. Our law and order are in dire state filled with incompetence corruption. businesses are on decline and job opportunities are getting lesser because of bad policies due to incompetent leadership. Worst of all, the country is in serious debt to the extent that we are on a verge of bankruptcy.

Malaysia is in desperate need of restructuring to get out of this. Yet, it hurts me to see many still decided to vote on party lines, and not on the competence of the candidate. They are not interested to elect a good candidate simply because he is of certain party, they choose to elect in a person who has zero contribution but know how to complaint and blame the other side of all the mishap of the country.

This time round, with almost every constituency with more than 2 candidates, the politicians can no longer pander to a certain race, because the votes will be so divided. They cannot claim that they are here to defend the rights of Malay, Chinese and Indians independently, those who do will lose.

Neither can they point fingers because when there are at least 2 more parties that they need to find fault with, and others will do the same in return. 

They will really need to come out with solid plan and sell it to the people how they are going to achieve it, because other candidates will do heck ad balance.

I urge all Malaysians to scrutinize the candidates offered to us, ensure that they are competence before casting our ballots. It is our sacred duty to help ensure the survival of Malaysia. Once we are overwhelmed with greed o any short-term gain promised by our politicians, we are only doing ourselves and our next generation a disservice.

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