

The rule of law or the rule of people?


I come across this video which DAP's candidate for Raub Chow Yu Hui (邹宇晖) spoke about his role in the illegal durian farms clearance incident at Raub.

When it happened, he stepped up on behalf of the farmers to stop the Pahang Forestry Department from cutting down the trees. His speech was emotional recounting the hardship he encountered. 

He went as far as applying for stop order from court to halt the operation. 

He went further to challenge his political opponent if they will allow contract of bias against the farmers in order for them to continue their cultivation. 

First of all, I find this ridiculous, who was the member of parliament at the time, him or the guy from MCA? It was his dty to take action and not the other side. 

What if the other guy step in? He will then claim the other side trying to meddle and take credit. There is always justification to discredit your opponent. 

He truly stood on the side of the farmers.

I mentioned from the start that it is an ILLEGAL DURIAN FARM CLEARANCE INCIDENT. By standing on the side of the farmers, he is condoning the act of crime of happen. 

While he claims to fight for the rights of the farmers, what of the right of the landowner, no matter who that is.

This is a typical example of the rule of people, when certain people with more rights than others. Do you know who is well known to the rule of people? Chines Communist Party (CCP).

Just check on what is happening in China today and you can see how bad the rule of people can lead to. 

The action of the farmers is no different from that of the Malay teenager in Plaza Low Yat incident. 

As such, how can I ensure that should DAP be part of the ruling coalition, the rule of law can be ensured. Certainly, from what happened in this incident certain people can be excused from law because of who they are.

Added notes:

Just watched another video about Ronnie Liu of DAP being asked to go up the police truck due to his involvement in the illegal durian issue, instead of cooperating, he chose to resist and accused the police of laying hands on him, making further intimidation

This is such disrespect of the law, disrespect of the officers who are just trying to do their job.

He might have been helm as a hero when he was elected in during the first Tsunami. But at this point of time, do you think this is the type of people you want in parliament?

Here is a solicitor rebutting the action of the farmers, urging them to pay tax on the profit from durian before claiming rights to the land, which belong to the state.

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